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Showing posts from April, 2013

How could God let somethinglike this happen? by Bola John

How could God let somethinglike this happen???" Billy Graham's daughter was being interviewed on the EarlyShow and Jane Clayson askedher "How could God letsomething like this happen?"And Anne Graham gave an extremely profound andinsightful response. She said: "I believe that God isdeeply saddened by this, justas we are, but for years we'vebeen telling God to get out ofour schools, to get out of ourgovernment and to get out of our lives. And being thegentleman that He is, I believethat He has calmly backed out.How can we expect God togive us His blessing and Hisprotection if we demand that He leave usalone?" I know there's been a lot ofemails going around in regardsto9/11/01, but this really makesyou think.If you don't have time, at least skim through it, but thebottom line issomething to think about.... Inlight of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings,etc. Let's see, I think it startedwhen Madeline Murray O'Hare(she wasmur...