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How could God let somethinglike this happen? by Bola John

How could God let somethinglike this happen???"
Billy Graham's daughter was being interviewed on the EarlyShow and Jane Clayson askedher "How could God letsomething like this happen?"And Anne Graham gave an extremely profound andinsightful response. She said: "I believe that God isdeeply saddened by this, justas we are, but for years we'vebeen telling God to get out ofour schools, to get out of ourgovernment and to get out of our lives. And being thegentleman that He is, I believethat He has calmly backed out.How can we expect God togive us His blessing and Hisprotection if we demand that He leave usalone?" I know there's been a lot ofemails going around in regardsto9/11/01, but this really makesyou think.If you don't have time, at least skim through it, but thebottom line issomething to think about.... Inlight of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings,etc. Let's see, I think it startedwhen Madeline Murray O'Hare(she wasmurdered, her body wasfound recently) complainedshe didn't want any prayer in our schools, and we said OK. Then, someone said you betternot read the Bible in school. theBible that says thou shalt notkill, thou shalt not steal, andlove your neighbor asyourself. And we said, OK. Then, Dr. Benjamin Spock saidwe shouldn't spank ourchildren when they misbehavebecause their little personalitieswould be warped and wemight damage their self- esteem (Dr. Spock's soncommitted suicide)And wesaid, an expert should knowwhat he's talkingabout so we said OK. Then, someone said teachersand principals better notdiscipline ourchildren when theymisbehave. And the schooladministrators said no faculty member in this school bettertouch a student when theymisbehave because we don'twant any bad publicity, andwesurely don't want to be sued (There's big differencebetween disciplining andtouching, beating smacking,humiliating, kicking, etc.) Andwe said, OK. Then someone said, let's let ourdaughters have abortions ifthey want, and they won'teven have to tell their parents.And we said,OK.Then some wise school board member said, since boys willbe boys and they're going todo it anyway, let's give oursons all the condoms theywant, so they can have all thefun they desire, and we won't have to tell their parents theygot them at school.And we said, OK. Then some of our top electedofficials said it doesn't matterwhat we do in private as longas we do our jobs. Andagreeing with them, we said itdoesn't matter to me what anyone, including thePresident, does in private aslong as I have a job and theeconomy is good.And then someone said let'sprint magazines with pictures of nude women and call itwholesome, down-to-earthappreciation for the beauty ofthe female body.And we said, OK. And then someone else tookthat appreciation a stepfurther and published picturesof nude children and thenstepped further still bymaking them available on the internet.And we said OK, they'reentitled to their free speech. And then the entertainmentindustry said, let's make TVshows and movies thatpromote profanity, violence,and illicit sex. And let's recordmusic that encourages rape, drugs, murder, suicide, andsatanic themes.And we said it's justentertainment, it has noadverse effect, andnobody takes it seriously anyway, so go right ahead. Now we're asking ourselveswhy our children have noconscience, why they don'tknow right from wrong, andwhy it doesn't bother them tokill strangers, their classmates, and themselves. Probably, if we think about itlong and hard enough, we canfigure it out.I think it has a great deal to dowith "WE REAP WHAT WESOW." "Dear God, Why didn't yousave the little girl killed in herclassroom" ? Sincerely,Concerned Student... AND THE REPLY "Dear Concerned Student, I amnot allowed in schools". Sincerely,God. Funny how simple it is forpeople to trash God and thenwonder why the world'sgoing to hell. Funny how we believe whatthe newspapers say, butquestion what the Bible says. Funny how everyone wantsto go to heaven provided theydo not have to believe, think,say, or do anything the Biblesays. Funny how someone can say"I believe in God" but stillfollow Satan who, by theway, also "believes" in God. Funny how we are quick tojudge but not to be judged. Funny how you can send athousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread likewildfire, but when you startsending messages regardingthe Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how the lewd, crude,vulgar and obscene pass freelythroughcyberspace, but the publicdiscussion of God is suppressedin the school and workplace. Funny how someone can be sofired up for Christ on Sunday,but be an invisible Christian therest of the week. Are you laughing? Funny how when you go toforward this message, youwill not send it to many onyour address list becauseyou're not sure what theybelieve, or what they will think of you for sending it tothem. Funny how I can be moreworried about what otherpeople think of me than whatGod thinks of me. Are you thinking? Pass it on if you think it hasMERIT by SHARING. If notthen just discard it byIGNORING.... no one will knowthat you did.But, if you discard this thought process, then don't sit backand complain about what abad shape the world is in! SHARE NOW to be a part of theGREAT MINDS who REFORMEDthe WORLD!


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