Coaster Bus |
Have you ever boarded a Coaster Bus? If you're in Nigeria, especially Lagos,you will be very familiar with that type of bus, it's common along the Badagry expressway, oshodi - Ikorodu axis, oyinbo etc. and you hear the conductors shouting and clamoring for you to enter like 'Ketu, Ikorodu! Wole pelu change e o' etc. They call passengers in and cramp them in the bus like sardine. The bus is actually a 3 seater with extension for a 4th person on a row but in Nigeria, it has been used as a 5 person per row bus and your body sticks to eachother, no space to feel comfy, you're inconvenient through out the journey. I do take the bus very well, so I can tell you the experience first hand... Now to the content, everybody's is like a coaster bus, where you are meant to accommodate a specified or limited number of people & happenings together but because of greed and indecision; we take more than our capacity and it's affecting our life, making,it look RICKETY and always developing fail (sickness), breaking down (gives up) on the way to our destinations, even when we get to our final destinations, some us still return to where we started because of the pleasure we experience when going there. Greed makes you have more than 1 lover (i'm a one guy, one girl kinda man) and you cramp up your life that you don't even have time to take care of yourself or sometimes take note of what is going wrong with your life. You live in misery and never gets satisfied. Yes, humans can never be satisfied and Yes! The goal is not to completely eliminate misery but to keep it at the barest minimum. Life without misery will be dull and not adrenaline pumping just like eating the same good everyday, what fun is in that one? Let's talk about the
COASTER BUS LOVER; they take everything, anything and anyone that mentions the word
LOVE to them, they get maltreated, spat upon, sometimes beaten by their supposed
LOVER and they have so many lovers that sometimes they loose count, they are not officially harlots but they are worst than harlots, they usually have theaters tattoos, gadgets and change their wardrobe every other month they attend all the happening parties and shows with or without invite. Definitively, they are insecure, most especially they are like the kid that doesn't know the type of sweet she wants so she takes one of every Flavour and get constipated. They don't really know what they want so they fall in love easily and get maltreated, so long the supposed lover is meeting their current demands or needs.
2 Seater Ferrari |
A persons life is suppose to be like a 2 seater Ferrari, taking only the important person and the best. Driven on a very good road and not maltreated but cared for, respected in every aspect, What I'm saying is be like the Ferrari and not the Coaster bus; A world is enough for the level headed.
PS: Even the wise gets too proud at times to decipher a word and advice.
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