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Showing posts from October, 2013

Difference between a woman and a girl

There is a big difference between a woman and a girl. These differences are not just about the age, but about character, strength and morals. A real man deserves a real woman who he can build his life with.  So if you have a woman in your life and you want to know if you can have a real future with her, check out for these signs: 1. A girl throws tantrums. When displeased, upset or angry, she reacts just as she did as a child when she didn't get her way with her parents. This often consists of screaming, pouting, giving the silent treatment, being passive aggressive and/or punishing. A woman still feels the emotions of being upset/displeased, but has cultivated the skill of responding versus reacting. She comes to the table as an adult, and communicates clearly what is bothering her. 2. A girl perceives herself as a princess and believes people should treat her like so. She is entitled and feels that she is owed and therefore expects more than she appreciates. A woman, has sta...

11 signs of a real man

Do not settle for less and check out these 11 signs of a real man to avoid wasting your time with a boy.  1. A man knows what he wants, and goes for it. A boy may have somewhat of an idea, but not really. He doesn't think too much about it, and even if he does, doesn't exert much effort to get it. A boy is passive, a man is assertive. 2. A man plans for his future and is working towards building a foundation and infrastructure in order to have a family (at some point in his life). A boy lives only in the moment and his plans are mostly around which bar he's going to hit up on the weekend. 3.A man looks for a woman with intelligence, who is supportive, grounded and encompasses a shared set of values when choosing a partner. A boy cares mostly only for girls who are hot, wild and exciting. 4. A man knows a good woman when he meets one and will take initiative to get to know her. A boy may make an attempt if you're lucky, but gives up before ever really trying. 5. A...

Persistence Pays

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow—perhaps it all will." 1 About Thomas Edison's many attempts in seeking to invent the electric light bulb Susan Hayward in Begin It Now wrote, "Two dejected assistants of Thomas Edison said, 'We've just completed our 700th experiment and we still don't have the answer. We have failed.' "'No, my friends, you haven't failed,' replied Mr. Edison, 'it's just that we know more about this subject than anyone else alive. And we're closer to finding the answer because now we know 700 things not to do. Don't call it a mistake. Call it an education.'" 2 Persistence paid off very well for Edison … for us too because eventually he succeeded in perfecting the electric light bulb. Persistence in any worthwhile cause always pays rich dividends. And better still...

Money: Servant or Master?

Jesus said, "Beware! Don't always be wishing for what you don't have. For real life and real living are not related to how rich we are." 1 "Money," said Sanford Lee, "is an excellent servant, but a terrible master." A reporter once asked the elder Rockefeller, "How much money does it take to satisfy a person?" The billionaire snapped back, "Always a little more!" Another has said:" Money will buy the following: A bed but not sleep / Books but not brains / Food but not an appetite / Finery but not beauty / A house but not a home /  Medicine but not health / Luxuries but not culture / Amusement but not happiness / A crucifix but not a Savior." Obviously we can't live without money and there's nothing wrong with being wealthy. The issue is, do we own our money or does our money own us, and what is our motive for wanting more money? I've never forgotten t...

Are Angels Real?

"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" 1 There's a considerable amount of interest in angels these days. Are they for real or just a figment of the imagination of dreamers, poets, authors, and the makers of Hollywood movies? A pastor's wife I know personally was awakened one night at 2:00a.m. with a sense of urgency to pray for her married daughter who was home alone in another city. The following morning her daughter called to say that she was awakened at 2:00a.m. by a masked stranger standing at the end of her bed. The daughter saw no one else in the room but could feel light "steps" all over her bed. Suddenly the intruder turned as if terrified and ran from the house, exiting as quickly as he could! Was it the presence of an angel/s that caused him to run? I believe so. The Bible is filled with examples of the involvement of angels in the affairs of mankind. We ...


"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us—they help us learn to be patient." 1 Even though I have quoted it before, I appreciate the following ditty because there is so much truth in it: "It's the little things that bother us and put us on the rack, you can sit upon a mountain but you can't sit on a tack!" It's amazing how uptight and impatient I/we can become with the little annoyances of everyday life. Sometimes it seems these upset us more than big issues. Remember, though, that the things that bug us don't cause our impatience, they just trigger it! And that's what God wants to get us to face and fix. He wants to fix us from the inside out so that we will learn both patience and every other grace. Keep in mind, though, if you don't want to experience trials and tribulation, don't ever pray for patience! This is because we only learn ...

ABC of life

A-lthough things are not perfect, B-ecause of trial or pain, C-ontinue in thanksgiving, D-o not begin to blame. E-ven when the times are hard, F-ierce winds are bound to blow, G-od is forever able, H-old on to what you know. I-magine life without His love, J-oy would cease to be. K-eep thanking Him for all the things, L-ove imparts to thee. M-ove out of "Complaining Camp," N-o weapon that is known, O-n earth can yield the power, P-raise can do alone. Q-uit looking at the future, R-edeem the time at hand. S-tart every day with worship, T-o "thank" is a command. U-ntil we see Him coming, V-ictorious in the sky, W-e'll run the race with gratitude, X-alting God most high. Y-es, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad but, Z-ion waits in glory, where none are ever sad!" May you come out of whatever you are passing through today, wiser, stronger, richer and happier In Jesus name.

Hints of life

CRAZINESS :- Is when you buy BLACKBERRY PORSCHE of #350,000 and landlord dey pursue your mama cos of 12k HOUSE RENT for village. FAITH :- Is using the last money on you to buy wallet.(wetin u go put inside d wallet)? STUPIDITY :- Is having SIX BIG CARS while living in a rented apartment ( Eko for SHOW, Lagos mumu ) . WEALTH :- Is when you buy a first class return ticket to UK just to pick up a forgotten wrist watch ( Money speaking ). WASTAGE :- Is buying a big MANSION at Asokoro in Abuja and only your Mai-guard and House Maid dey live there ( Political armed robber ). TROUBLE :- Is slapping a soldier in front of a quater guard in a barracks ( You may not live well enough to tell the story ). IRONY :- Is having the chairman of an Okada Association driving a Range Rover Sport ( He cannot come and die na ). FOOLISHNESS :- Is taking a #5,000 cab to watch a film of #1,000 at Eko Hotel...( Abegiii! Why you no fit wait for the pirated copy now ). LOVE :- Is buying suy...

Converted but Unbroken Christians!

Converted but Unbroken Christians! These Christians are converted but they have refused to be broken of themselves to the Will of God! One example we have in the Bible is Jacob! Jacob always loved to do things His own way! Although, he was His covenant child, he still went on to deceive His brother and cheated him out of His right! Later in Jacob's life, God renamed him Israel, which means "he struggles with God." In fact, Jacob struggled with God his entire life, as many of us do. As he matured in faith, Jacob depended on God more and more. But the turning point for Jacob came after a dramatic, all-night wrestling match with God. In the end the Lord touched Jacob's hip and he was a broken man, but also a new man. From that day forward, Jacob was called Israel. And for the rest of his life he walked with a limp, demonstrating his dependence on the Lord. Jacob finally learned to give up control to God. Converted but unbroken Christians are workers of ...