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10 Golden Keys/Tips/ Secrets to Success and Fulfillment In Life

You will agree with that most
people want to be successful
in life.
There are goals set and then
the hard work begins to reach
those goals. The question is what is
success?Actually, success can
mean different things to
different people.
For example, a person that
owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set
their level of success at
servicing 50 cars a day while
someone who loves music
might consider success as
cutting their own CD. In addition, success does not
always have to involve
Success could be getting a
good grade in a difficult class
or learning how to bake the perfect chocolate cake.
Success comes in all different
shapes and sizes with one
common denominator.
Success is important and it
takes work to reach. Regardless of what your
specific success is, there are
ways to surpass your goal.
I've put together 101 tips that
can be used for any success.
These are ways to better yourself as a person, proven
methods you can apply to
reach success.
So let's get started, shall we?… "10 Golden Tips/Secrets to
Success and Fulfillment In
Life" 1.Don't Give Up To reach success, you have to
persevere. Even Thomas
Edison had to learn this. When
he was creating the
incandescent light bulb, it
took him more than 10,000 times to get it right.Keep
striving even when it
becomes challenging. 2.Stop the Complaining You might think there is no
correlation between
complaining and success when
in fact there is a connection.
When you are spending time
complaining about the obstacles you are facing, you
are wasting so much time
being negative that you are
actually loosing chances to
move forward. Instead of
thinking of challenges as problems, think of them as
opportunities. 3.Change your
Circumstances You have a choice in life to
accept your position or change
it. If you choose to plug along
in life hoping that something
will change for the better,
you will not get very far. Always remember that when
it comes to changing your
circumstances, you can – you
have that power. As an
example, women who are in
abusive situations often feel controlled and powerless to
get out of the situation. They
have the same choice of
changing their circumstances
as you do. If your
circumstances lower the chances of success, you need
to change them. 4.Accept Responsibility You need to accept
responsibility if you make a
bad decision or fall behind in
your plan. Let us say that you
have set some firm milestones
that need to be accomplished in order for you to move to
the next step. However, you
got tired of working hard and
took some time to play,
which is fine as long as it does
not affect your goals. Now months have passed and you
are way behind schedule. This
delay has closed several
doors of opportunities. Who is
to blame? 5.Be Happy A positive mind and happy,
upbeat attitude will help you
succeed. It has been proven in
many studies that a person
living in a happy state
generally gets much further in just about everything they
do. This relates to attitude.
Just as bad attitude can pull
you down, good attitude and
a happy, healthy mind will
help you meet your objectives. 6.No Shortcuts An old cliché states,
"Anything worth doing is
worth doing well." This
should be your motto.When
you want to succeed, you
cannot afford to take shortcuts.Taking shortcuts
leads to imperfection and
inadequacies. Always strive
for the best, even if it requires
a little more time and effort. 7.Have Courage Depending on what your
specific success is, it may take
courage to arrive at your
desired destination. For
example, if you have a dream
of being a writer and to you, that is success, but according
to your long line of family
members who have all gone
on to be doctors, the only
success in their minds is if you
follow down the medical path. This means you will
have to have courage to stand
up for what you believe and
desire to do,
even if it means disappointing
family. 8.Be Excited to Learn Referring back to the analogy
of Edison, when asked about
his failures by a young boy,
Edison commented, "Young
man, I didn't fail 9,999 times, I
discovered 9,999 ways not to invent the light bulb." As you
work toward your specific
success, always enjoy
opportunities to learn, even if
it takes longer than you think
it should. 9.Stay Motivated When striving for the big goal
of success, it is critical to stay
motivated. Find inspiring and
motivational tapes, seminars,
books, movies; whatever you
are able to get your hands on.When you start to feel a
little down and out and doubt
starts to creep in, turn to
these motivational tools to
help you keep on track. A
few excellent motivators include Tony Robbins, Norman
Vincent Peale, Jim Rohn, Zig
Ziglar, and Les Brown.
and lastly… 10.No Excuses Many famous actors, music
artists, inventors, etc., had
special challenges ranging
from learning disabilities to
physical disabilities. Take
Beethoven for example. He was born deaf yet he went on
to be one of the world's
greatest composers or Joni
Erickson who was paralyzed
from the neck down yet she
learned to paint with her mouth. Today, her paintings
are famous around the world
and worth millions. If you are
faced with a
special challenge of your own,
while you may have to adjust things from time to time, do
not use excuses. If you want
something bad enough, there
is a way!


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