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5 Lies Women Always TellMen

Here's a little help for
men to figure out when
their gal isn't being
completely honest with
them. Our tips help to
decode female behaviour... Though a recent study claims
that a woman's face is like
an open book that reveals
her state of mind, but men
need to beware! Better not take it as the last
verdict, for irrespective of
how much you trust and
adore your little angel,
women do lie to their
significant others at times. Here's a little help so that
men can figure out when
their adorable darling is not
speaking her heart out and
help them handle the
situation with care... Lie #1: "Oh! It's fine. I'm
OK" Guards on guys! You must
know that she's not fine at
all and nothing is OK. And
sooner or later you will have
to bear the burnt of her pent
up emotions that she has somehow managed to hold
back until now. You'll find
her taking this emotional
defense on occasions when
you may have forgotten her
birthday, taken her for granted or have done
anything that hurts her. "Whenever my girlfriend lets
go off my not so fatal error
with a cool 'it's fine', I know
it's nothing but the calm
before a cyclone that I am
fated to face in the time to come,"a guy shares. To portray that she doesn't
care, the emotional lady
prefers taking a refuge in
this lie. Charu Marwah, a
software engineer admits, "I
prefer staying that 'It's OK' because if I react I'll be
blamed of being a constant
cribber, who is in
complaining mode always.
Though, I actually want him
to go down on his knees and plead forgiveness." Lie detector: Well, an
experienced lover would
know of the crime that he
has committed, but the
amateurs should look out for
her reactions. She might not
get vocal, but will do everything to make you feel
guilty about the fact that
you have hurt her. From
being tight-lipped to giving
the briefest responses that
don't go beyond 'hmms, huhs or yes and no', to mean
tones and loads of sarcasm -
are a few hints that you can
look out for. Women have a
tendency of expecting their
man to understand the said, as well as the unsaid, and
that leaves men in a dicey
situation. And even here, by
keeping quite or going away
with a small 'I'm fine', she
expects him to know that she's hurt. Lie # 2: "I love you for
what you are" ...and I don't want you to
change. Well, may God be
your saviour if you believe
her for this. No wonders, if
sheer pampering or
impressing you might strictly be on her mind when
she's saying this. "I just
loved my wife whenever
she averred this phrase. But
gradually the knick-picking
started and reality dawned upon me. At times it was
my eating choice that
bugged her, while at others
it was my dressing style that
she wanted to improve. Yet
she continued to tell the blatant lie that she loved me
for what I was," says
another confused guy. Agreed, that you don't like
this lie. But just imagine how
it would feel if on your face
she told you much she hated
your paunch or how bad
you looked in those lose- fitted denims. Thank her
appreciating you taking care
of your confidence levels. Lie detector: If you start observing the occasions
when she backs this mushy
phrase, you might just
realise she's not lying at all.
On most of the occasions it
comes when you have made her happy with anything
like a gift, a movie, a
romantic dinner or for that
matter by doing anything
and everything that she
loves. You were good to her and that's your innate
quality, which made her fall
for you. Lie # 3: You stare, I don't
care! Either you are too lucky to
have the coolest woman by
your side, or you are getting
an inflated ego without any
reason if you believe her on
this. No matter how hard she tries to look cool and
composed, but the fact
remains that no woman
loves it when her man ogles
at another woman. After all,
who wants to feel like second best? And the 'I don't
care attitude' is usually to
hide the vulnerability and a
pretence. Most women hate
their man staring at another
woman. Lie detector: She doesn't want to show you how
she's feeling and is no less
desperate to tell you that
you are torturing her to the
core. Well, easy indications to
know she's lying can be the trail of questions she'll end
up asking you. Casually and
candidly she'll ask you things
like 'Isn't she hot?' 'What
makes her so hot? 'Did you
like her?' She might appear to be your best buddy, but
actually she wants to ask
you, 'Do I score less that the
chic you are ogling at?' And
your answer will decide
your fate not immediately, but definitely in the future,
so better beware of what
you say! Lie # 4: Your friends are
cool! This might not be a lie
always, but many a times
your friends are nothing but
a 'passion spoiler' for your
girl, especially when they
pop up during private moments. "When we started
dating, on many occasions
we went out with my
friends. And every time I
used to ask her, 'I hope you
are enjoying?' she answered, 'They're cool!' The real shock
came when one day I was
planning another group date
and she gave me a good
piece of her mind. It's then
that I realised that she didn't love them as much I thought
she did. But she could have
initially told me," says Rajat
Sarin, a 20-year-old college
student. Most of the times women
end up praising your friends
for you. They don't want to
hurt you by revealing the
truth and hope that you'll
understand without saying, which usually doesn't
happen. Lie detector: A sure shot hint to the lie is written on
her face. Despite being in the
group she'll remain an
outsider. The smile that's
usually worth a million
dollars might just look purely artificial and forced.
Her replies to all your
enquiries will end in a cover
up lie, 'I'm fine sweet heart'
or 'I'm enjoying myself' and
that takes you to Lie #1. So, when you get something
like this from your girl,
understand that you are
getting into too much
buddy-bonding! Lie # 5: Tell me, trust me
I won't get angry This one is tricky, leaving
you with a ditch on one side
and a bigger ditch on the
other. This lie is usually
thrown at you when she
wants an honest opinion and knows what it can be, but
still wants to hear it. Beware
guys! Irrespective of what
you say, she is going to get
furious for sure. This usually
happens in questions related to her looks, the food that
she cooks, that tangy orange
shirt she brought for you
etc. "Sometimes it is tough to
handle. Once, my wife asked
my honest opinion on a
super tight dress that she
had worn. And, I told her
honestly that she was looking like a stuffed pillow
and she was mad at me.
Taking cues from my past
experience; on another
occasion I did my best to
flatter her. To my sheer surprise, even that made her
angry and she blamed me for
not being a fair critic,"
complains Suraj Malhotra, an
architect. Lie detector: Well, there's no detector for this one, for
undoubtedly she's lying.
Then what's the solution?
It's not that women cannot
take true criticism from their
man or expect praises all the time. But what they actually
expect is that criticism
should come in a softer and
suggestive manner, rather
than a striking taunt on her
looks. So, without being too critical or over flattering,
just tell her that she needs to
work out on her minuses.


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