Being a Virgin is not an
Abomination and Keeping
yourself Pure is Possible!! Be proud of who you are. The
world makes it feel as if you
have a Disease like AIDS when
you are a virgin and they
condemn and mock you
because of you are still a virgin at a certain age. They make
"Losing your Virginity" a sort
of trend where youths are
having sex only because they
wanna lose their Virginity as if
their virginity is a Mask in which they wanna get rid of!
If you are still a virgin, you are
not what the World says you
are. You are a Woman of
Virtue and a Man of Honor so
keep KEEPING pure your Body which is the temple of the
Lord and remain a Virgin not
because you have not been
given the opportunity but
because of JESUS. If you are no longer a virgin
but you are still guarding your
Heart, keeping yourself pure
and Killing your Flesh daily.
Keep doing what you do and
keep developing your Spirit. You are also a Woman of
Virtue and a Man of Honor. Just
because you are no longer a
virgin doesn't mean you
cannot be SEXUALLY PURE. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV "For this is the will of God,
your sanctification: that you
abstain from sexual
immorality; that each one of
you know how to control his
own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of
lust like the Gentiles who do
not know God"
Abomination and Keeping
yourself Pure is Possible!! Be proud of who you are. The
world makes it feel as if you
have a Disease like AIDS when
you are a virgin and they
condemn and mock you
because of you are still a virgin at a certain age. They make
"Losing your Virginity" a sort
of trend where youths are
having sex only because they
wanna lose their Virginity as if
their virginity is a Mask in which they wanna get rid of!
If you are still a virgin, you are
not what the World says you
are. You are a Woman of
Virtue and a Man of Honor so
keep KEEPING pure your Body which is the temple of the
Lord and remain a Virgin not
because you have not been
given the opportunity but
because of JESUS. If you are no longer a virgin
but you are still guarding your
Heart, keeping yourself pure
and Killing your Flesh daily.
Keep doing what you do and
keep developing your Spirit. You are also a Woman of
Virtue and a Man of Honor. Just
because you are no longer a
virgin doesn't mean you
cannot be SEXUALLY PURE. 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV "For this is the will of God,
your sanctification: that you
abstain from sexual
immorality; that each one of
you know how to control his
own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of
lust like the Gentiles who do
not know God"
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