So here I go listening to your lifeless beats
With your giddy high ho!
Like we've ever been enchanted
Is it me?
Or is it you?
Is this your tale?
Or this is just some game?
Not that I'm too high on eel
But the words don't just blend
I try to smile and fake like all is fine
But damn! That just so not me
So I close my eyes
I here em words running
Then I create a wall
Painting em with visions
I see a rope with you rapped in it
I cuddle you so tight with a fear
So smooth as a gun plays the lady sexy
boom!! Boom!!
You're gone buried and ripped apart
That's what u get for playing a talkative chase
I ain't gat time for fake friendliness
But here I am in this bus
Stucked with you
So I tell you straight without a smile
Shut up!! You talk too much!
And here we go in a ride so smooth
Your buried in silence
And my peace I've entirely...
Without you chasing....
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