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Music/War by Ugo Sanchez

Canons bombs detonated in war
Sounds like the bass drums
And musicians and their bands with microphones,
Making it sound more melodious.

It is a face off
And all you have is brothers with their face up,
Or face down

You might ask,
What genre is this,
Is it the classics?
Or maybe its hip-hop
But the intensity of this sound
Is making men dance their hips off.

When the music stops
So does the bash,
And everyone is exhausted,
But those that find themselves
With enough strength,
Go home with memories they can never forget,
New bonds made they never forget,
And their wives and lives are things they don't forget to forget,
Always ready to groove to the next song,
Ever ready to sing and dance until the last sound of the beat
Of their song.


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