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Old Cask: The Really Strong Men Drink

On SHARE A STORY today, Adetola shares his
drinking experience …Enjoy and do say what
you think.
Have you ever gotten drunk?
( oh yes! I have… Trust me, arrrgh!!)
I will tell you my story about the most
dangerous drink I've ever tasted in my life, in
a country of little implementation of laws, as
a student, I was invited to a birthday party by
some of my friends and I reluctantly agreed
to attend while having a kinda bad
premonition about it, so I got dressed as the
Oluwafineboy that I was, always keeping up
with the public appearances.
On getting there, my friend offered me food
which I refused because I knew it was
prepared with WEED, I'm light-headed so I
didn't want to risk misbehaving in the public,
so I said I was just going to drink wine just to
take something at least, then here it comes,
like a ray of sunshine in a dark alley, such an
ugly looking bottle but a sight to behold,
crested on it is 'Whiskey's Old Cask XXX
Rum' I said ' I think I've found the wine to
drink this night'.
Well my friends and some 'Bros' there told
me that they were scared of the drink
because it's for the really strong men and
against their advice, claiming I'm stronger
than I look, took a shot of the drink, 5
minutes after I downed the drink, I was
feeling the effect of taking a whole bottle of
VODKA.and all eyes were on me just like
2pac, I just had to compose myself and form
like 'nothing dey happen' but deep down, I
was wishing I could just fly back to my
hostel, 2hrs journey. I didn't even try to
stand up, because I knew my legs are now
lighter than that of a Baby's leg, still
composing myself, a friend of mine came and
poured another round for me, not to fall my
hand, I downed it gently and slowly but 'Evil
na Evil'. 5minutes after that, my friends told
me it was time to go back to the hostel, now
that was where the real Wahala started, to
stand up now without people noticing my
drunkenness was a big problem, harder than
Numerical Computation(the hardest course
I've taken in school so far) at this time, so I
told my friend that we should all stand up
together because I knew that my leg would
'fail' me.
We held each other and stood up like nothing
happened and walked gently and manly
towards the staircase which was problem #2,
I literally crawled down the stairs, then told
my friend that we should pass the back road
because I could not bare embarrassing
myself in front of those girls that are
noticeably crushing on me at the main road,
on getting to my hostel, unfortunately for
me, my girlfriend and 5 of her friends were in
my apartment, I just dragged my staggering
self to my room and at the same time
laughing like a Fool, at that moment,
different crazy thoughts were popping into
my head and when I laid on the bed, it was
like the bed was standing on its own and
throwing me off, I started shouting at the bed
to behave before I beat it.
My girlfriend never really noticed what
happened, she just thought it was one of my
tricks to escape her friends obnoxious chats, I
was standing for close to 4hours looking at a
bed on the ground like it was standing, it got
to a stage it felt like the walls were
compressing me, then I went to the kitchen
to get what to eat, at that moment I was
thinking out loud and I was in a state of total
confusion, got to the kitchen and forgot the
reason I was there and I started dancing to a
song that only i could hear, it was at this
point that my friend who narrated the story
to me asked my girlfriend to get yoghurt and
sleeping pills before I run mad…
Well to skip the other dramas that ensue, I
woke up on the kitchen cupboard, and don't
ask how I got there because I did not even
know all this happenings until my friends
started making fun of me 3days later when I
was finally awake and in my right senses…
Since then I've never tasted any alcoholic
drink, even malt, I don't take, if I want to take
something tasty I will rather buy fruit juice,
yoghurt or Zobo as the money can afford,
Please if you ever see 'Whiskey's Old Cask
XXX Rum' anywhere, advice is to not even
touch the bottle, because it is the most
dangerous drink I've ever tasted in my life
and I don't want to ever relive the
experience… Not funny but my Step-Dad will
say Use your tongue to count your teeth.
Drink Responsibly!
But for me, it is drink no more.

This story was gotten from: The story Teller;


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