What happens when the world leaves me?
Where would I bury you?
Where would I bury your thoughts?
Where would each moments go?
Where would this bond go to?
Where would the boat of darkness row me to?
Where would the peace of great light take me to?
Will the world runaway that point in misery
Or wave me Farewell with good tidings?
Will you, and you, smile?
For in miles we would be separated
There would be no more dancing in the rain
No more baking and laughter
No more mimics
No more you and I in love
No more you and I present
No more..
Still not, O LORD, this happiness
Take not in piece but, in peace
Enlighten us more
Take not this world when not prepared
Rather let it come, in its right place
At the right time
In great happiness and love.
When the world I see leaves me
For a one with greater peace and light.
Leave me not in tears and darkness
But cloaked in your light, love, holiness and happiness.
When the world leaves.
Written by Ogri Mathilda Sarah.
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