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Service by Ogri Mathilda Sarah

The world is familiar with word'' Service ''. I don't mean to talk about the gathering of a congregation for worship that is; church service.

The service I'm talking about is that which means 'An act of being of assistance to someone.'  it can also mean, 'The state of being subordinate to or employed by an individual or group'.
Well today, I'd be talking about two kinds of Service. They are both spelt the same way but have a great disparity when looked at closely.

What does it mean to serve?   To serve means To have a given use  or purpose; to function for something or to do something. Everyone born in to this world has a purpose, for you to have a purpose, you must be able to serve.  So what does it mean to Serve?  The response in your head might say to serve will mean to do what is needed to be done or play a function or role to someone or for something.  But the truth is  we get it wrong.

There is a Service and a Great Service.

A service is a role/function you play or carry out in respect to whatever the service you are rendering either to Man or thing.  An example of this is played out in a story.  Lady A had employed the B's  for the service of Furnishing her home.  So the B's got some  workers to kick start the process of Furnishing lady A house. First day, they fixed the cabinets in the kitchen ,  after fixing they left the kitchen filled with saw dust.  Lady A had to go through the stress and inconvenience of cleaning thereby also inhaling which opened her to the health dangers resulting to having a cough.
Second day,  They fixed  the wardrobes of  the rooms. The B's workers left without cleaning this time leaving sawdust, and nails, that when Lady A walked in she stepped on a nail and miraculously wasn't pierced by it.  Lady A with these few experience,  wasn't pleased with the service, and said silently she won't even think of giving them any offer again. 

Now the truth is for Man to be able to render Great service you must be completely selfless.  You must consider others needs,  you must also be passionate.   And yes indeed must be able to ask and answer the four W' and H which are Why you're rendering such service,  Who you are rendering it to,  When you will be rendering such services, and What type of service you want to render then How you want to render such Services.  Most people take jobs, occupy positions without an in depth thought about it. For most it's just all about the money, but then again the people paying you are they really getting the value of the money? And are you also adding value to yourself.  Whatever you do, you either depreciate from not learning or appreciate from learning. Same thing happens when you serve.  You either depreciate or Appreciate.  So then, what is Great Service? Great service is when you carefully put first into consideration the need of those yet to be served,  placing them as priority and making sure when service has been rendered their needs have been duly satisfied, while your goals/role of Service has been done.

People think it's all about playing a role but no, the role isn't complete if it doesn't effect a positive change on the person. If you're employed as Manager and the CEO and people around you doesn't feel your impact then you haven't started. Or if you call yourself a leader and your follower or even a stranger can't identify you as one because no impact has been initiated then I tell you, you are no leader.  Everyone has a role to play I repeat  therefore we all have services to render.  Whatever service to be rendered you must have in mind the people.  If the B's had cleared the house leaving it as refreshed as new then I'm sure Lady A will have no thoughts of not patronising them again and even more. Rather whenever she thought of them they'd leave a smile from her heart to her cheeks. But then the vice was the case.

Great Service comes with sacrifice, If Christ hadn't carried the cross, I don't think we will all be singing the salvation song today.  He paid the price.  ..."For God made Christ, who never sinned,  to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ 2 Corinthians 5:21..."

So for whatever you do always be selfless, putting into consideration the needs of the other to be met, and how to effectively render the service leaving a positive impact on the one to be served. The Great service way always works, and the good thing is it attracts Great Favors. Try it and see.

The great things of life are truly free. If You can learn to love whomever yet to be served before service, then there will be no cause of displeasure or you not satisfying maximally the needs of the person. If you're so passionate about your job then you must also be ready to show the passion at which you love the job in your actions, in your works. The beauty about Great service is that it leaves a beautiful magnetic aura around whomever that has been served by you. Thereby leaving a lasting memory of how well you delivered the service and how pleased he/she was afterwards.  It is a beautiful journey but then you must learn to take a step. Serve greatly apply Great service. Thank you.

Service by Ogri Mathilda Sarah


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