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Broken Pieces 2

Lets continue from where we stopped yesterday...

Spending nights in prison was never his ideal nor, the vision he’d ever dreamt of, Yet he felt entrapped not by the grungy walls, the flying mosquitoes, the humming crickets, or by the iron bars. Then what was?
He knew the answers, he sensed the answers long, long time , but he doubted the truth. It is  said that the truth is bitter but his wasn’t bitter it was destructive and unimaginable.
He had gone through series of questioning and battering, all for the truth, Mr Sola the investigator was already getting tired, he saw it in his eyes that he pitied for him, but he needed no pity. So the battering continued, questioning continued, nothing less, but all increased.
He was bruised, his soul wept, there wasn’t any tears in his eyes, because he’s soul kept weeping while he’s blood from his body kept gushing out.
Mr Sola had asked the Policemen to lock him up in the cell. Since he couldn’t get the truth out from him.
“ By the time you spend days in the cell, you’d say the truth, I won’t torture you anymore, cause I do not like getting my hands dirty, but for you!  It seems you like it brutal, so brutal it shall be, Until you confess! Omo ràda ràda, mtchew!”

Truthfully he spent days in the cell with flies buzzing around his wounds, his left cheek was swollen, and his body ached but his heart ached more. He was all alone.

Tears came rushing down, he was running from the truth, it tortured him, it bruised his soul and made him filled with rage and anger.
“ Be-ver-ly… the words slipped out of his mouth slowly.”
In pieces he merged all once again, revealing how perfect he thought his life were, no, not his life, how perfect he thought his family was.

The Johnsons were known to be famous in the city, he never knew he was related to them, not Until Mum and dad took him to visit. Dad was a taxi driver, they lived around ‘Okoko maiko’ Mum was a full time housewife, except for the little candy store she had in front of our house. The drive to the Johnsons was long and silent. Dad barely said a thing asides from reminding Mum to put on her seat belt, I sat at the back of the car, watching shops, roads, houses and cars as we drove pass, Until the car came to a halt.

“Victoria Island fine O, Chai, Nnamdi you for just try make money well well O, we go just they enjoy for dis kine place. Chai!”
“Money is good” dad replied Mum.

I rushed out of the car watching, staring, admiring, looking, surveying and silently wishing we too had such luxury, but we didn’t, So I snapped out of reality and watched as my Dad pressed the bell.

A man in a cream colored uniform opened the gate.

“Good afternoon Sir you should be the  Mr Nnamdi Chukwudalu, Mr Johnson Brother.”

“Yes, Yes we are, I mean, yes I am.”

“You are welcome Sir, let your wife and child come in, while you drive into the parking space.”
He could swear he had never seen anything as big as the house, it was a Big Mansion. Colored lemon green, the roof was dark green, the garden was so beautiful he was tempted to touch, lay on the grass, and cut and smell some flowers. But, he had to comport himself.

“Oh my God! Nnam it’s been so long, Chei see junior O!”
“Junior done grow O” Mr Johnson said.
“ E no be small pikin of that year again na, Mum said smiling sheepishly”

“You are right Ngozi, he responded to Mum.
“Junior how are you?
“Fine Sir”
“I know you don’t remember me again, but don’t worry, I’m back now, we’d get to know each other better”

Most things were said in Igbo, but I could denote somethings which I kept silently. I could have heard more, until Beverly came out asking me to come upstairs for us to gist, she was the only child. She was a happy child.
She was 18, He was 16 years of age. Yet they chatted as though they were both mates. He loved her, she was kind, and understanding. They stayed for just three days, but it felt as though, they had known each other for a very long time.

Everything seemed perfect and Happy. Until the sun stopped shining
Will the sun shine again?
Find out in the next episode


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